Bones and organs are in the structure of the human body
Bones and organs are in the structure of the human body
The human body: It consists of many organs and organs, each part of which performs one or several functions of its own, and each part of it is called a organ. A organ is a part of the body of an organism that performs one or several functions.
There are many organs in the human body that we mention to you: the eye, ear, tongue, heart, etc., and every group of organs cooperates with each other and completes the appearance of life. It is called a device and it is a group of members working together in cooperation and regularity to carry out a manifestation of life. And if you examine your body from the inside, you find in it devices that perform various aspects of life: the respiratory system, the digestive system, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the muscular system and others. These devices cooperate with each other and work regularly every day to keep the human body alive.
Human bones
Human bones differ in their sizes and shapes. They are cylindrical, flat, spherical, some are long, some are short, some are thick, some are thin and also hollow and not hollow.
The group of bones in the body are bound together, forming the skeleton of the body. Inside the skull there is an important soft part that is the center of sensation and control in the human body called the brain.
Strong and rigid skull bones protect the brain inside, as well as the eyes and atria.
Skeletal functions
The skeleton performs a number of important functions of the body, including: 1. Protecting important body organs such as the heart and brain. 2. Strengthening the body, giving it the general shape. 3. It helps the movement of the body, its connection to muscles and the presence of joints between the bones. 4. The formation of red blood cells in the red bone marrow
The structure of the bones is constantly changing as the blood transports materials that are used by other organs from the body and replaces them with what we eat and what vitamins in our bodies contain. The body works to maintain bone rigidity, as the process of taking and replacing materials from the bones is an ongoing process and the bones do not calm down in this activity.
But with the advent of middle-aged, the replacement of substances in the bones begins to decrease, starting at the age of forty, where the bone mass begins to decrease annually at a rate of 1%. Especially for women after the infertility period, when the estrogen secretion decreases, and the bone density of women decreases in the 1960s. Her age is critical. The bones become threatened with fracture, especially the vertebrae or the woman’s sense of pain. For men, bone density also decreases with age, due to a decrease in manhood hormone testosterone in old age.
Movement and exercise, as well as the body obtain calcium through food, at a rate of 1 gram per day. Calcium helps bone formation. And physical movement is important in this area, which is running muscles, walking, running, rope skipping or carrying small weights, as running muscles activates blood passage in the muscles and in the tendons that connect and thus activates bone formation.
Components of the human body
The body contains trillions of cells, which are the basic unit of life. At maturity there are approximately 30 to 37 trillion cells in the body, the body also hosts the same number of non-human cells as well as multicellular organisms that are located in the digestive system and in the skin. Not all parts of the body are made up of cells. The cells are placed in tissues outside the cells that make up proteins such as collagen, surrounded by extracellular fluids.
From 70 kg of average human body weight to the average, approximately 25 kg is non-human cells or non-cellular materials such as bone and connective tissue. DNA is found inside the cell nucleus. There parts of DNA are transcribed and sent to the body from the cell by RNA and then RNA is used to make the proteins that make up the cells, their activity, and their products. Not all cells have DNA, some mature red blood cells lose their nuclei after maturity.
The body contains various types of tissues, and is defined as the cells that work with a specialized function. The study of tissues is called histology, and often through a microscope, the body consists of four main types of tissues - cells of the lining (epithelium), connective tissue, nerve tissue and muscle tissue. Cells located on surfaces exposed to the outside world, digestive system, or internal cavities come in many forms - from epithelial cells, to cells with small cilia resembling the hair of the lungs, to column-like cells that cover the stomach.
Endothelial cells are cells that are located in the internal cavities, including blood vessels and glands.
The digestive system, respiratory system, nervous system, motor system, circulatory system, auditory system, optic system, and reproductive system.
Calcium is found in many foods and a ripe human body needs 1 g / day. Calcium is found in milk and cheese, in cabbage, broccoli, and almonds, as well as in mineral water.
Calcium helps build bone, and vitamin D regulates the selection of calcium from the intestine. Therefore, lack of vitamin D threatens osteoporosis and easily breaks it. Exposure to the sun helps to form vitamin D, so we do not find anyone who is poor in vitamin D in our living areas in the Middle East, where the sun is almost constantly present.
As for treatment with estrogen, studies have shown that it is not feasible, as estrogen increases the risk of developing cancer.
The lesson in the integrity of the bone system lies in movement, because the bones do not like calm.
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